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We're unable to take further bookings for the Artist-in-Residence program in our current schedule. However, contact us to explore alternatives and options.

Artist in Residence

Christine and Regina have travelled around the cities, regional and capital, wherever work has been requested.


Because Christine can work with a wide range of materials and has a network of people to call on for installation, it gives her the ability to work in a range of spaces.


Whether you have small groups, large groups or need a commission to create an artwork for your space, Christine and Regina can facilitate the discussion for different ideas for producing vibrant and contemporary installations on walls or as free standing sculptures.


Christine and Regina are registered teachers - an advantage when working in schools and with young people.

Residencies offer great satisfaction for artist and students. Together with students, the collaborative creation of art can can make a positive and exciting difference to learning and communities.

Over the past 15 years, Christine has had various residencies in primary and secondary schools, country communities, along with a three-year residency at Sacred Heart College Geelong for 2010-2012.

Jodie Carter

Head of Arts

Sacred Heart College, Geelong

2009 - 2015

In her role as ‘Artist in Residence’, Chris inspires, motivates and guides the students with the development of each art project. Chris’s projects are conceptually unique and offer the students wonderful opportunities that they would not necessarily experience within the art classroom. The works are often large scale and challenging, requiring the students to work as a team in order to complete the work within a specified time frame. The students find these workshop experiences extremely rewarding and feel a real sense of pride in seeing the artworks become part of the Sacred Heart College landscape.

"When you work as an artist-in-residence it enables an unique relationship to develop in the community or classroom where the work is being produced. It enables me to explore the needs of the culture and people within your community."        - Christine Sage

Some examples of the work undertaken by students under the guidance of Artist-in-Residence, Christine Sage

  1. Artist in Residence - Sacred Heart Colle
  2. Marionette Message Doll - Sacred Heart C
  3. Marionette Message Doll - Sacred Heart C
  4. Passing on of Wisdom 2 - Sacred Heart Co
  5. Mural Preparation - Sacred Heart College
  6. Mosaic Dog
  7. Pick Up Sticks Install - Sacred Heart Co
  8. St Thomas Aquinas Primary School, Norlan
  9. DOCSA Youth Camp, Malmsbury Mural – Arti
  10. DOCSA Youth Camp - Mural – Artist In Res
  11. Christ the King Primary School, Newcombe
  12. Christ the King Primary School, Newcombe
  13. St_Paul's_Primary_School_West_Sunshine_-
  14. St Thomas Aquinas, Norlane - Mural – Art
  15. Mt Carmel College, Sandy Bay - Mural – A
  16. Mural – Artist In Residence - Mount St J
  17. Mural – Artist In Residence - Star of th
  18. Sacred Heart College, Geelong - Artist i
  19. Sacred Heart College, Geelong.jpg
  20. Coloured Pencil Installation - Mount St
  21. Painted Pencil Posts
  22. St Peters Primary School - Artist in Res
  23. Mural – Artist In Residence - MacKillop
  24. Mosaic Pond - Sacred Heart College, Geel
  25. Mosaic Pond - Sacred Heart College, Geel
  26. Mosaic Tree
  27. Artist in Residence - Sacred Heart Colle
  28. Celtic Cross
  29. Bollards - Wood Sculptures - The First N
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