Christine Sage - Artist / Director
Early influences on artist Christine Sage was her study under the mentorships of William Ferguson and John Borrack.
Her work changed direction from the exterior landscape to the interior after an Artist-in-Residence position at the Arthur and Yvonne Boyd Education Centre at Bundanon on the Shoalhaven River.
A travelling scholarship to Yemen furthered this direction and resulted in an exhibition of donated works which raised funds to put a roof on a school in Jibla, Saudi Arabia.
Christine has travelled and painted the deserts of South and Central Australia and has spent considerable time researching in Victoria’s Mallee.
Her body of work has resulted in exhibitions throughout Victoria in group and solo shows and she played a large role in the Mama Serpentine project featured on the ABC Message Stick program.

Bill Ferguson

In 2005, her first illustrated book Storm in a Teacup was published by St Luke’s Innovative Resources (Bendigo) and she also completed a Master of Visual Arts at Monash University. An art textbook for schools, Drawing Made Easy, was published in 2009 and is used in schools across Australia.
She has been an Artist-in-Residence in kindergarten, primary and secondary schools, with a focus on creating sculptures and murals for small and large spaces.
John Borrack
Christine Sage receiving thanks for her relief work at Mount Lillydale Mercy College ( 2018)

Regina Byrne - Director & Studio Manager
Having worked as a professional musician and a successful Catholic Secondary School principal, Regina brings a unique perspective to Hullabaloo Studio.

Regina is also a successful author of music textbooks and maintains close contact with educators of young people as well as with those leading schools and systems.
Drawing on her passion for the arts and her expertise in managing major projects, Regina dedicates her time to coordinating Hullabaloo Studio's work from design to installation.
Regina is your first contact at Hullabaloo Studio and she welcomes calls enquiring about the work that can be undertaken.